Travel Agent Management
Windows and Reports
1. Ticket Register
2. Visa Register
3. Hajj Register
4. Hotel Register
5. Packages Register
6. Umrah Register
7. Auto Ledger Adjust With IATA.
8. Auto Ticket Entry
9. Customer and Agecy Due List and Transaction Statement
10. Bank List and Bank Statement
PoS Management
Windows and Reports
1. Product Buy Using Barcode Scaner
2. Product Sale Using Barcode Scaner
3. Stock Wise Product Stock Value
4. Today Total Sale
5. Today Total Profite
6. Total Profite of This Month
7. User Management System.
8. Customer and Supplyer Management System
9. Customer and Sypplyer Due List and Transaction Statement
10. Bank List and Bank Statement
Bank Cheque Writer Software
Windows and Reports
1. Write Your Cheque Using Software
2. Manage Your All Cheque Book In Your Company
3. Pring Your Cheque Using Your Software
4. Maintain Your All Cheque Leaf Using Cheque Writer Software
5. Check Your Void Cheque List
Office Management Solution
Windows and Reports
1. Manage Your All Staff Conveyance Bill System
2. Manage Your All Staff Lunch Bill System
3. Manage Your All Staff Loan Facility System
4. Manage Your All Stff FDR